The Little Book of Common Sense... or Pause for Thought with Wogan
Terry Wogan

The Little Book of Common Sense... or Pause for Thought with Wogan

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Welcome to a homeslice of common sense ... This little gem of a volume will entertain and delight in equal measure. It will refresh your views on the oddities of the daily grind, and tickle your fancy with Wogan wit. You will find no easy answers to life's dilemmas here, but plenty of succour and Sir Terry's alternative view on how to catch the curve balls of life with a little style. You never know, you might even agree with him. The Little Book of Common Sense touches on everything from love and romance, fame, road rage, telly ... and everything in-between. Dip in, enjoy, and have a chuckle at life with the master of the one-liner.


Автор: Terry Wogan

ISBN: 978-1-409-14656-8

Издательство: Orion

Год выпуска: 2014


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